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Sunshine and Stories and All Things Small

Sunshine and Stories at Barons Court is always fun to be a part of. This is the third school holidays that we have supported the event, and it is bigger than ever. Last week the wonderful Archie Kimpton helped us to create our own jumble creatures and scary evil story characters, as he told us about the creating and writing of the fantastically funny Jumblecat. This week it was something completely different, as we ventured outside with the fabulous zoologist, conservationist and writer Jess French.

Over 70 Minibeast Adventurers packed into the hall at Baron’s Court Primary to learn all about some of our favourite beasts by thinking about being them. We shut up our wings like butterflies, reacted like a woodlouse to something scary and all joined together to make enough legs to become a centipede. Then it was time to grab our magnifying glasses and get outside into the school grounds. We found crickets and spiders, woodlice and centipedes and so many more creatures. They were in the nooks and crannies of the school grounds, in the bark of trees, under leaves and running over the ground we were walking on. The more we looked the more we found, and Jess was on hand to help us identify them when we couldn’t find them on our Minibeast ID sheet.

After sharing our finds, Jess was on hand to sign copies of her wonderful Minibeast Adventure books and then we all went home with our sheets and books to go on more adventures. I wonder if anyone found anything on their way home?

Feelers Out! What’s About?

Next week’s Sunshine and Stories will be a Play and Books Interactive Storytelling event, with the wonderful Hannah Brailsford. Fun starts at 10am, August 10th at Barons Court Primary School.
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